OPM Issues

OPM Issues: Title of the document sent to the Personnel Management Agency late Tuesday is dry, but worrying. "The potential impact on workers expire federal appropriations" Why is it such a lapse is haunted by this week, the document is worth looking beyond OPM.

"Federal agencies have no authority to pay its employees during the shutdown," he says, "regardless of whether the employees work as a" reserve "or on leave as" not excepted. Exempt employees "receive compensation for hours worked when Congress passed and the president signs a new assignment or the determination to continue. The Congress will also determine whether the" without reservation "will receive compensation for the leave period."

The good news, if there are reasonable grounds that, if the shutdown lasts all year (the budget end of the world is not to be taken into account), the FBI of the health benefits will remain unchanged.

The paper provides many details about what is going to pay and benefits if the gate is on Friday at midnight.

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