Sandy Hook Conspiracy

Sandy Hook Conspiracy
A good Samaritan who harbored six frightened heirs of the Exotic Connect slaughter has been designated by conspiracy theory advocates blaming him of being a liar and an acting professional.

On the day of the capturing, Gene Rosen of Newtown, Conn., was providing his kitties when he found four frightened kids concealing out in his drive way. They informed him their instructor was deceased, and he heard their cooling account of the disaster still going on at the encompassing Exotic Connect Primary University.

In the consequences, Rosen, 69, was questioned by many of the press sites that originated on the small team, and his anguished face exhibited across tv displays around the world.

The truthfulness of that suffering was inquired by a number of conspiracy theory advocates who call themselves "truthers," Salon revealed recently. These truthers have so far published Rosen's private information online, designed bogus social networking records using his name and bothered him via email and phone.

“I do not know what to do,” Rosen, a outdated psycho therapist, informed Salon in a follow-up meeting on Wednesday. “There must be some way to fairly pity these people, because there were 20 deceased kids relaxing an 8th of a distance from my screen the whole evening. And I sat there with my spouse, because they could not take the systems out that evening so the medical examiner could come. And I thought of an concept, that this ‘adds offend to damage,’ but that is a ridiculous concept, because this is not an damage, this is an abomination.”

Unfortunately for Rosen, it is an abomination that has obtained floor in the several weeks since the dangerous school capturing. Sites, like, have jumped up asking Rosen's purposes for discussing his tale.

A YouTube video linked to on shows Rosen speaking into a camera about his ordeal. The video's title alleges that the crudely edited clips are an "audition" tape, and the description accuses Rosen's recollections of having "pedo under-tones." The video has been viewed more than 27,000 times.

A similar clip, which reposts an official interview Rosen gave on CNN, claims that Rosen is a Screen Actors Guild thespian. "The only thing consistent about this clown's act, is all the fake crying," the video's About section reads. "The man has never shed an actual tear in a dozen interviews over the last several days."

Yahoo News points to a forum post on a conspiracy theory blog calling Rosen a "bad crisis actor," claiming he changed his story during his various interviews and saying that his testimonies focus on the sound of gunshots for political effect:

Gene's oft repeated, and changing, story about that day, focuses totally on the kids and the sound of gunshots. Even though his eyes and ears should've taken in the whole scene, his story focuses completely on the kids and the guns.
Why? Well, if this was a false flag event designed to move political opinion on gun control, here in America, then you would get a lot more bang for your buck by talking about the innocent little children. That's what tugs on America's heart strings the most ... especially around Christmas time.