Multiple Myeloma Geraldine Ferraro Died

In a 2007 interview on early exposure, which was debated Geraldine Ferraro, the fight against multiple myeloma for which she died Saturday after a struggle of 12 years. In the interview, Ferraro also praised the courage and strength to Elizabeth Edwards, who also died of cancer last December.

Like many others, I was surprised when I learned that Geraldine Ferraro was killed today. She was a key figure in the political world, but more than that, she was a beloved mother, part teacher, lawyer, politician and journalist. I did not know she had been suffering from multiple myeloma for the past twelve years. In addition, like many others, I searched on Google for the disease to see exactly what it is.

Multiple myeloma is an incurable blood cancer. More specifically, it is cancer of plasma cells in bone marrow.

In multiple myeloma plasma cells grow out of control and form tumors in the bone marrow of a bone strength. The growth of these tumors makes it difficult to make bone marrow red blood cells, white cells and platelets. This causes anemia, which makes a person more susceptible to infections and have abnormal bleeding. Because cancer cells grow in the bone marrow, can cause pain and destruction of bone. If the bones of the spine affected, it can put pressure on the nerves, numbness or paralysis.

Although multiple myeloma affects mainly elderly people, a history of radiation therapy increases the risk of this cancer.

Symptoms of the disease are bleeding problems, bone or back pain, most often in the ribs or back, fever without other cause increased susceptibility to infections, symptoms of anemia (such as fatigue, shortness of breath and fatigue), unexplained fractures, and the weakness of the arms or legs.

People who have a mild disease is usually closely monitored without treatment. Some people are slowly progressive form of multiple myeloma that takes years to cause symptoms.

The five-year relative survival rate for multiple myeloma is currently about 38 percent, which is one of the lowest of all cancers. Last year, more than 20,000 adults in the United States were diagnosed with multiple myeloma and nearly 11,000 people are predicted to die from the disease.

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