The Event Nbc And Its Star Sean Walker

The Event Nbc and its star Sean Walker, played by Jason Ritter, will return to NBC on Monday.

The show had been on a break of three months and return mid-season for two hours tonight. Ritter said the show has changed since the end of the first half, according to Showbiz Spy.

"One of the things that really exciting is that for some time, [the characters] were all in our little bubble of our own stories," he said. "Now, everything has begun to converge. "

Previously, the event, Sean had to save his girlfriend, Leila played by Sarah Roemer, abductions and kidnappings, according to TV Guide. The couple discovered that the U.S. government had detained a group of foreigners age 66 and Leila's father was also an undetectable alien life in society.

According to Ritter, her character play a more serious in the rest of the series.

"The stress is beginning to take its toll on Sean and some of the qualities that were innocent at the start of the show gradually stripped, he said, according to TV Guide." It is increasingly hard to survive. "

Ritter told Showbiz Spy, he is currently on a diet and strict training schedule to prepare for his role.

"I thought I did OK," he said, "and then on the two or three days in what they said," We've got a gym and a personal trainer. "

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