Carmelo Anthony Is Due in New York

Carmelo Anthony is due in New York after the Knicks and Denver Nuggets have completed a mega-trade Monday night. Once in New York, however, Antonio will have to find a new shirt. The No. 15 he had in his time with the Nuggets was retired by the Knicks, in honor of Dick McGuire, who was elected to the Hall of Fame of the Knicks in 1993.

We have seen a company shirt Photoshop Anthony Knicks already, but what other options he has. In high school Anthony had no 22 Unfortunately, this volume, worn, Dave DeBusschere was also withdrawn from the Knicks in 1983. Seeing as 22 and 15 were the only two numbers he used - 22 schools, 15 in Syracuse and Denver - it appears that Anthony is a territorial conquest, when he arrives in New York.

Fortunately, with nearly half the city the Knicks' file leave after the operation, at least Anthony will have his pick of available tracks without having to fight a war veteran returning

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