Snow Day Calculator

Predict whether or not you're bound to have a snow day based on the forecast, school, news hype, and administration.

What is the snow day calculator? With heavy snow forecast in the midwest, children and parents who may be looking to find out if there is a no school snow day tomorrow have forced this popular prediction tool to the top of the Google trends on January 31.

David Sukhin was in sixth grade when he developed an algorithm to predict when his school would make the announcement that there would be no school due to a snowstorm. reports that David is now in 11th grade but his calculator is still predicting snow days accurately with no failures.

What is Sukhin's secret behind his snow day calculator? He's not leaking the full details, but did inform WBUR that it is a combination of information from, school district strictness and how much effort is put into snow removal in the area.

Will your child's school have a snow day tomorrow? Even without a snow day calculator, It looks possible in many areas of the midwest with a blizzard watch issued by the National Weather Service for Tuesday, February 1. The Northeast won't escape a storm either, with heavy snow and ice expect over the next few days.

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