Sarah Palin Praised Newt Gingrich

In one of the first appearances of Sarah Palin since the announcement of its decision not to enter the Republican primary, praised Newt Gingrich declared the winner of the debate on Tuesday night in Las Vegas CNN while criticizing the governor of Texas Rick Perry. Palin told Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren "the former president would be" beat up Barack Obama in a debate, "but probably will not end up being the nominee, but" seen everything "that is refers to the policy.

"I think [Republicans] are more interested in content than it is today and, therefore, while I think Newt Gingrich is not the best, because it seems to be a lot of bickering that goes on," Palin said Susteren, comparing the competitors fighting for his children squabbling. "I do not know if he will be facing a candidate who gets the lucky face of Barack Obama, because unfortunately in this day and age, sometimes the conventional wisdom would want is more money, dollar campaign to win. I do not want believe that this will be the case, this pull-up. "

He also praised Michele Bachmann, pledging not to stop supporting Israel, but he went hard after a friend of Rick Perry, said he is seen as someone who is "encouraging" illegal immigration.

"With the state of courses for those who do not live with, because illegal immigrants are there - not even seem - does not live legally in America, let alone the state of Texas," said Palin. "It seems that Rick Perry is a hell of a time trying to explain his position on illegal immigration, while he has encouraged some people can really understand the advantage that most Americans will never be able to exploit the doctrine of the state, in the state of Texas. "

Susteren, Palin said she hoped that the candidates in more detail their economic plans, adding that even after the eighth conversation, "We are still searching for a candidate who stands up and be a pioneer."

He also gave advice to the discussion moderators said he hopes future talks, "may press the [candidates] a small detail hard" and "dig a little 'more."

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