brooke mueller
Brittany Ashland

While Charlie Sheen is an interview with CNN Monday night, has rejected accusations that they abused women in his past.
"No, women should not be affected. They are being caressed in his arms and, you know?" Sheen said Piers Morgan, after denying he ever hit a woman. "I'm sorry, but there was an incident years ago and everybody thought that I hit. I tried to contain it. My arms and we went to the land ... his initials are BA
Now the celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, said Sheen comments are "disgusting and despicable."
The Declaration of Radar, Allred says, "[Sheen] without a finding that he was charged in a battery has a seriously detrimental to my client, Brittany Ashland, Penal Code § 243 (d). He became the opposition does not deny the 'charge. No contest has the same effect that the guilt of his crime. "
On CNN, Sheen also waved off the incident on Christmas Day in 2009 when he allegedly injured and threatened to kill wife, Brooke Mueller. He said Morgan, "The scoreboard does not lie. Thing Aspen has been rejected. The judge was like, I get this type of county, it puts too much pressure with him."
Allred response? "For this conviction, he was sentenced by a calculation of the battery of serious injury to one year imprisonment, which was suspended. In addition, he was sentenced to two years' probation, fined $ 1,200, 300 hours of community service and eight counseling sessions. "
The hardest-hitting chunk of Allred's anti-Sheen screed follows:
"I find it revolting and despicable that Charlie Sheen, who was convicted of a crime, should now be attacking his victim and trying to blame her for his crime. Charlie Sheen should look in the mirror and if he is honest with himself he will see a man who was convicted of battering his girlfriend, Brittany Ashland in Malibu, California, and who was also convicted of the crime of assaulting his wife and the mother of his little children, Brooke Mueller, in Aspen, Colorado. While Charlie Sheen appears to be trying to persuade the public that he is a victim, he ignores the true facts that he is the one who has victimized others."
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