Top 20 scariest movies "Halloween"

It's Halloween and time for scary movie marathons. Each year many of us grab our stack of DVD's, our bowl of popcorn and our friends and begin our travel into the dark world of scary movies. This is not a compiled list of any official list it's simply my list of favorite scary movies that I love to watch. Surprisingly only 2 vampire movies made this list; maybe because I don't find them scary no matter when they were made.
  1. House on Haunted Hill - 1959
  2. The Haunting - 1999
  3. Exorcist - 1973
  4. The Shining- 1980
  5. Dracula - 1931
  6. The Wolfman - 1941
  7. Rosemary's Baby- 1968
  8. Hellraiser - 1987
  9. Stephen King's It - 1990
  10. The Grudge - 2004
  11. Psycho - 1960
  12. Salem's Lot- 1979
  13. Poltergeist - 1982
  14. Pet Semetary - 1989
  15. Nightmare on Elm Street - 1984
  16. Halloween - 1978
  17. The Others - 2001
  18. Friday the 13th - 1980
  19. The Omen- 1976
  20. Carrie - 1976
So, this year I am looking for new scary movies. What do you suggest? I don't like toruture films like Saw, Hostel, etc. I feel that many scary movies are scary because of what you don't see and your imagination grows out of control.
Many of these movies can be found at used book stores such as Lexington's Half Price Books. So, what is going to be on your list for the weekend?

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