Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Died In a Fire

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Factory fire shirt, a turning point for workers' rights in the city.

March 25, 1911, 146 employees - mostly women and young immigrants - died in a fire on the eighth floor of the Asch on Washington Place and Greene Street.

The building did not have enough outlets, and at that moment, the door for workers inside and outside were bolted shut - trapping everyone inside. Some workers who evacuated the building, fire and rescue were also killed during the fire escape collapsed.

The fire gave birth to the labor movement, the labor protection of fire safety regulations, including indicating exit doors that open outward and required fire drills.

Thousands of people, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg today is the anniversary ceremony outside the building - now owned by New York University.

Family members, students and workers read the names of victims and a fire truck ladder to be raised to the sixth floor, representing the highest fire history could reach over the tragedy.

NY1 reports ceremony live.

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